Celebrating the People Who Serve and the Power of Understanding
Join us in honoring the people who serve and in building understanding through shared experiences.
Watch the feature videoAs the USO carries out its mission of strengthening the well-being of the people who serve our country, we invite you to join us in recognizing their humanity, their sacrifices and their resilience. Through shared experiences and stories, the USO brings people together to build bridges of empathy and support.
Our mission statement is more than just words to us – it’s a commitment to standing by every person who has taken the oath to serve, every step of the way. And for you, our supporters, it’s an opportunity to show your gratitude and appreciation in a meaningful way.
Join us as we celebrate the people who serve, and let’s make a difference together.
Even the strongest among us need someone by their side.
Our spotlight video, “Human to Human,” offers an intimate look into the shared experiences between civilians and the people serving our country. We hope you enjoy it.
Explore the stories behind the “Human to Human” conversations.
Learn more about the service members and civilians who participated in this transformative experiment, gaining insight into their experiences and the profound impact of sharing their stories.